Contemporary Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture In North York
Our North York Acupuncture services can help relieve pain, improve tissue healing from injury and promote recovery. Did you know Acupuncture has been used effectively as a therapeutic modality for centuries? In the last few decades modern scientific research has explored and confirmed its effectiveness in treating a variety of health conditions. The effectiveness of acupuncture depends on identifying the root cause of your injury or condition, and implementing an acupuncture treatment plan to support the body’s healing process.
At Core Performance Centre (CPC), our advanced acupuncture needling techniques help to correct the problem and promote healing and recovery much more efficiently, especially in combination with our other therapeutic interventions. Our clinicians at CPC, use the acupuncture modality as a component of chiropractic therapy, to improve the communication between the nervous system and tissues as well as improve blood flow, tissue metabolism, and nerve conduction locally.
What Conditions Can Acupuncture Help With?
Some conditions that have shown to improve with acupuncture are:
Myofascial pain syndrome and hypertonic muscle and fascia
Low back pain
Neck pain and headaches
Sports injuries
Nerve injuries like Sciatica
Shoulder Tendonitis
Book Your Acupuncture Appointment Today!
*When booking this is a service offered through Chiropractic Therapy
**Note for insurance this is covered under chiropractic
As a dedicated Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enthusiast, unfortunately, injuries are just part of the game. Luckily, I found Chris, for whom I am very grateful. His expertise in acupuncture and chiropractic care, as well as his rehab exercises, are spot-on and have given me the confidence to jump back into training. What sets Chris apart is that he understands the sport because he’s a BJJ athlete himself and can provide a personalized approach with genuine care. Both Chris and Tara are very kind people and have made my healing journey not only effective and reassuring, but improved my athletic performance. I couldn’t be more grateful for their support and expertise.
– Grace L